Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 3, Day 1

      So, I know I neglected this blog during week 2 but I ran into some trouble. I got sick and could not workout a few days and I got a little discouraged but this is the beginning of a new week and renewed spirit. I will keep you posted on this weeks workout as I did the first week. 

Last Weeks music mix was The Counting Crows. This week is going to be Metallica.

Merry Christmas!

The Workout

      I was not able to complete today's workout. During the chest exercise there was a lot of pain in my left shoulder joint so I decided to stop the chest exercise and to avoid the back exercise to prevent further aggravation to the joint. Then during the leg extensions both knee joints hurt so I stopped the leg exercise. After looking at the pain I went through today I decided that tomorrow I will thoroughly stretch and then when I return to the gym on the 26th I will cut the weight on my legs by 50% and the weight on my shoulders by 75% to see if there is still pain. If there is I will stop lifting for a week and shift my focus to cardio. If not, I will continue at that weight for 1 week and increase by 5-10% every week following until I feel confident that I can lift the weight pain free. 

Notes on the Workout:
1) I did not have the strength to push the weight I was pushing because my muscles did not seem to have the energy to efficiently push the weight. I believe this is do to the fact that I had not eaten yet. I have to remember to eat within two hours of working out prior to going and within two hours after going. 

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