Monday, December 3, 2012

      I remember as a small child looking up to Arnold Schwarzenegger, his perfect physique and incredible strength. I would be captivated by his screen presence in movies like Conan the Barbarian and would be absolutely enthralled in his intellectual strongman performances like the one in Twins. I always wanted to be like the characters he portrayed on the silver screen, the giant with a gentle heart or the brooding muscle man. 
      Today marks the beginning of a long journey. After some long thought and thorough analysis I have decided to strive to meet his physical stature and hopefully attain his perfect proportions. I have taken into account that I am only six feet tall and I have subtracted three percent from his measurements so that I can be a shorter version of Arnold. I am going to attempt this using his routine without his controversial supplementation. During this process I am going to provided weekly body transformation photos, log my caloric intake and provide notes on the effects to my body. This is going to be a fairly technical blog and from time to time may read as nothing more than a exercise/calorie tracker but keep in mind that this is nothing more than a map to a journey and a way to stay motivated when times get tough. 
      Here is to the Austrian Oak:
May you see the rising of another titan amongst men. May you hear the roar of a new challenger and may you be astonished at the achievements of a child at heart. A child that saw in you a hero of flesh and blood. And though currently I am no titan I place myself humbly before your achievements and strive to be more than a man. 

My friends that read this please provide encouragement and feedback. I look to you to hold my mental fortitude because obviously at this point I have lost my mind.

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