Friday, December 28, 2012

Week 3, Day 5

      I tried lifting again after stretching and still had some trouble so I took today and day 3 and 4 to stretch I will hit it up tomorrow and feel it out again. I noticed today that I have improved range of motion with no pain so I am looking forward to tomorrow.

By Crom!

(Conan the Barbarian reference above)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 3, Day 1

      So, I know I neglected this blog during week 2 but I ran into some trouble. I got sick and could not workout a few days and I got a little discouraged but this is the beginning of a new week and renewed spirit. I will keep you posted on this weeks workout as I did the first week. 

Last Weeks music mix was The Counting Crows. This week is going to be Metallica.

Merry Christmas!

The Workout

      I was not able to complete today's workout. During the chest exercise there was a lot of pain in my left shoulder joint so I decided to stop the chest exercise and to avoid the back exercise to prevent further aggravation to the joint. Then during the leg extensions both knee joints hurt so I stopped the leg exercise. After looking at the pain I went through today I decided that tomorrow I will thoroughly stretch and then when I return to the gym on the 26th I will cut the weight on my legs by 50% and the weight on my shoulders by 75% to see if there is still pain. If there is I will stop lifting for a week and shift my focus to cardio. If not, I will continue at that weight for 1 week and increase by 5-10% every week following until I feel confident that I can lift the weight pain free. 

Notes on the Workout:
1) I did not have the strength to push the weight I was pushing because my muscles did not seem to have the energy to efficiently push the weight. I believe this is do to the fact that I had not eaten yet. I have to remember to eat within two hours of working out prior to going and within two hours after going. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 2, Day 4

      I took tonight off to give my body some rest.

Calorie Intake:
4 Slices of Veggie Pizza
1 Slice Bacon Pizza
Week 2, Day 3

      Tonight went fairly well. I increased sets and weight.

The focus of tonight's workout:

Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves, Forearms, Abs
Workout @ 2300
Barbell Curl:
Set 1- 45 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 55 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 60 lbs 8 reps

Seated Dumbbell Curl:
Set 1- 15 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 30 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 22.5 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 25 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Concentration Curls
Set 1- 15 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 20 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 25 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 30 lbs 7 reps

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press:
Set 1- 70 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 75 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 80 lbs 10 reps
Set 4- 85 lbs 10 reps

Triceps Push-down V-Bar:
Set 1- 120 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 130 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 140 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 150 lbs 8 reps

Skull Crushers:
Set 1- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 55 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 140 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 150 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension:
Set 1- 30 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 40 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 45 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 50 lbs 8 reps

Barbell Shoulder Press:
Set 1- 55 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 60 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 65 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 70 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Lateral Raise:
Set 1-10 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 15 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 22.5 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 22.5 lbs 8 reps

Rear Deltoids Machine:
Set 1- 60 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 70 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 80 lbs 7 reps
Set 4- 70 lbs 6 reps

Cable Rear Later Raise:
Set 1- 10 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 15 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 20 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 25 lbs 8 reps

Standing Calf Raise:
Set 1- Body Weight 15 reps
Set 2- Body Weight 15 reps

Palms Up Wrist Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 3- 55 lbs 10 reps

Palms Down Wrist Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 4- 55 lbs 10 reps


Hanging Pike:

Calorie Intake:
5 Krystals Sliders and a Large Chili-Cheese Fry.
2, 20oz Diet Dr. Pepper.
1, 16oz Dr. Pepper.
1 Protein Shake

I fell off the diet wagon today and will again tomorrow...I'm gonna have pizza for the first time in 4 weeks. I am pretty excited. Then it is back to the diet on Friday.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 2, Day 2

      I decided to divide the total workout into two separate times during the day so that I wasn't as the gym for five hours because I bumped up the sets I'm doing per exercise. It worked out pretty nicely actually. I was not able to do the bench press or the incline bench press because there was no one to spot me and the machines were awkward.

The focus of today's workout:

Chest, Back, Legs, Forearms, Abs
Workout @ 0300
Hack Squat:
Set 1- 180 lbs 12 reps 
Set 2- 270 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 360 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 450 lbs 6 reps

Leg Press:
Set 1- 270 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 360 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 450 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 540 lbs 8 reps

Leg Extension:
Set 1- 100 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 110 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 120 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 130 lbs 8 reps

Lying Leg Curl:
Set 1- 100 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 105 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 110 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 115 lbs 8 reps

Standing Calf Raise:
Set 1- Body weight 15 reps
Set 2 Body weight 15 reps

Seated Calf Raise:
Set 1- 70 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 70 lbs 15 reps

Seated One Leg Calf Raise:
Set 1- 35 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 35 lbs 15 reps

Palm Up Wrist Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 3- 40 lbs 15 reps
Set 4- 40 lbs 15 reps

Palm Down Writs Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 3- 40 lbs 15 reps
Set 4- 40 lbs 15 reps 

Workout @ 2300
Dip Machine:
Set 1- 195 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 210 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 225 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 240 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 255 lbs 6 reps

Pec Fly:
Set 1- 100 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 110 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 120 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 130 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 140 lbs 6 reps

Cable Crossover:
Set 1- 80 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 45 lbs 12 reps
Set 3- 50 lbs 10 reps
Set 4- 60 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 70 lbs 8 reps
Set 6- 80 lbs 8 reps

Set 1- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 60 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 60 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 90 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 100 lbs 8 reps

Lat Pull-down:
Set 1- 105 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 120 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 135 lbs 6 reps
Set 4- 135 lbs 6 reps
Set 5- 120 lbs 9 reps
Set 6- 105 lbs 10 reps

T-bar Row:
Set 1- 65 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 70 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 75 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 80 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 85 lbs 8 reps

Seated Cable Row:
Set 1- 105 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 120 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 135 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 150 lbs 8 reps
Set 5- 165 lbs 6 reps
Set 6- 105 lbs 12 reps

One Arm Dumbbell Row:
Set 1- 42.5 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 45 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 47.5 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 5- 55 lbs 10 reps

High Wood Chop:
Set 1- 60 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 70 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 80 lbs 8 reps

Cable Twists:
Set 1- 40 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 60 lbs 8 reps


Hanging Pike:

Calorie Intake:
1 Ham Sandwich ( 2 slices ham, 9 pieces pepperoni)
1 Handful Pistachios 
1 Protein Shake

Week 2, Day 1

      Tonight is the first night that I added a cardio routine on rest days. I was astonished as the increase in stamina I had from lifting weights for only a week. Where before I started lifting I would get winded just walking on the treadmill for ten minutes tonight I was able to go 20 minutes on a bike at a rigorous rate before I was breathing a little heavier.

The focus of tonight's workout:

Cardio, Abs
20 minutes recumbent bike
30 minutes treadmill
10 minutes row machine
20 minutess elliptical
100 Crunches
30 Hanging Pikes

Calorie intake:
12 Ritz Crackers (6 with cheese)
1/2 Ham Sandwich
Protien Shake
2 Handfuls of Shelled Pistachios

Monday, December 10, 2012

End of Week One

      Tonight marks the end of Week one. Next week is the beginning of a new challenge. I am going to add cardio to the routine on my rest days.

This weeks music mix was DMX on iheart radio. Next week PSY on iheart radio.

Progress Pictures: (Beginning photo on left)
End of Week 1
End of Week 1

End of Week 1

End of Week 1

Progress Measurements over the course of the week:

Body Weight:
230 lbs > 226 lbs
44.75" > 45.5"
39.5" > 39.13"
16.25" > 16.6"
25" > 26.17"
17.5" > 17.25"
12.75" > 12.5"
27" > 24"
42" > 43.5"
Neck :
16.5" > 16.5"

Body fat will be posted tomorrow.

Arnold's Competition Measurements and how far I am from my goal are as follows:

33" goal is 32" which means I am 7" over
57" goal is 56" which means I am 10.5" under
22" goal is 21" which means I am 4.4" under
28.5" goal is 27.5" which means I am 1.4" under
20" goal is 19" which means I am 2.75" under

Here is the routine I have been using:
"A" day-
Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Dumbbell Fly: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 Sets)
Barbell Incline Bench Press: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Cable Cross-over: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Dips: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Pullovers: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Chin-ups: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
T bar Row: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Cable Seated Row: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
One-arm dumbbell row: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Barbell Dead-lift: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Barbell front Squat: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Leg-press: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Leg Extensions: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Lying Leg Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Barbell Lunge: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Standing Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 10 sets)
Seated Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 8 sets)
One Leg Seated Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Palms Up Barbell Wrist Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 10)
Palms Down Barbell Wrist Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 8)
Wrist Roller: 1 set to failure (Arnold did 1 set)
Abs: 15 minutes (Arnold did 30 minutes)

"B" day-
Barbell curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Seated Dumbbell Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Dumbbell Concentration Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Barbell Close Grip Bench Press: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Triceps Push-down V-bar: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Skull Crushers: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets) 
Standing Dumbbell One Arm Triceps Extension: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Barbell Shoulder Press: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Cable Rear Lateral Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 5 sets)
Standing Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 10 sets)
Seated Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 8 sets)
One Leg Seated Calve Raise: 2 sets (Arnold did 6 sets)
Palms Up Barbell Wrist Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 10)
Palms Down Barbell Wrist Curl: 2 sets (Arnold did 8)
Wrist Roller: 1 set to failure (Arnold did 1 set)
Abs: 15 minutes (Arnold did 30 minutes)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 1, Day 7

      Tonight I was able to get into the gym earlier which was amazing, the extra sleep is very much a welcomed experience  I still have not had an increase in strength in the chest but I have noticed an increase in strength in my back. I am beginning to think that doing shoulders and triceps the day before may be the culprit of the lack of gains. Next week I am going to start with this workout and then follow with the other one with a day of rest in between.

The focus of tonight's workout:

Chest, Back, Legs, Calves, Forearms, Abs
All Chest completed
All Back completed
All Calves completed
All Forearms completed
15 Minutes nonstop Abs completed.

Notes on tonight's workout:

1) Tonight I started substituting lower back hyper-extensions for the dead lift until my lower back is stronger.

Body condition at day 7:

      No DOMS present from the previous workouts. Although there have been no noticeable increases in strength in my chest there is definitely a noticeable increase of muscular endurance. A workout that took 3.5 hours the first time has been cut down to 1.5 hours.
Week 1, Day 6

      Today was a good day, I was extremely excited to get into the gym. I noticed an increase in strength in my triceps and increased weight accordingly. I have not noticed muscle fatigue since the first two workouts. Tonight I also decided to hit calves again despite the pain I had in them and the results were surprising, the pain went away. I think I may do calves every workout now because in working them I have to stretch them. I think maybe on week three instead of bumping up sets I may go to the six days on 1 day off frequency that Arnold used. I am feeling really good about my muscle recovery time and think it might be time to push the limits a little more. And, yet again 100% completion.

The Focus of tonight's workout:

Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Forearms, Calves
All Biceps completed
All Triceps completed
All Shoulders completed
All Forearms completed
All Calves Completed

Notes on tonight's workout:

1) Strength increase in one muscle group others still need work.

2) Workout seemed a lot easier than the last attempt.

Body Condition at day 6:

DOMS in the calves has subsided post workout.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 1, Day 5

      Today my calves are extremely painful. I have to stretch more effectively post workout. But as in day two I am using today to stretch.
Week 1, Day 4

      Tonight I was back to the "A" day and unlike the last attempt at completing the workout I was able to finish it tonight. I feel as though I moved a mountain tonight. At this rate I do not see any reason not to but up my sets from two per exercise to three.

The focus of tonight's workout:

Chest, Back, Legs, Forearms, Abs
All Chest completed
All Back completed
All Legs completed
All Forearms completed
15 minutes nonstop Abs 

Notes on Tonight's workout:

1) I tried to increase weight tonight and struggled with completing the final set. I am going to drop the weight back down so that I can complete both sets and once that feels to easy I will increase weight.

2) Arnold does a lot of calves every workout because he claimed that calves were his weaker muscle group as far as size is concerned I have done a self assessment and decided that that amount of exercise on my calves is unnecessary because genetically I have larger calves. Once I drop my body fat percentage I will reevaluate if I notice a major decrease in size but until then I will move the calves to an every other workout basis.

Body Condition at day 4:

      Nothing is sore tonight but I did notice increase in strength.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week 1, Day 3      

      So, before I began lifting tonight I thought that surely the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from my previous workout would have slowed me down or that it would have made completion of tonight's workout impossible, but I was wrong.
After the first few sets of the night all soreness dissipated. I was able to complete the full workout tonight, at a lowered rate of two sets per exercise. After tonight I think that my body will be ready for a 1 set increase by the beginning of week three and I plan to increase the set load by one every two weeks, body allowing.

The focus of today's workout:

Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Forearms, Calves
All biceps completed
All triceps completed
All forearms completed
All calves completed

Notes on today's workout:

1) Breathing was better but could still use improvement.

2) Biceps are a weak muscle for me, I have to stick it out and build them up.

3) Shoulders clicks on the lateral raises unless my upper arm is forward of my body at about a 15 degree angle, keep that in mind.

Body Condition at day three:

My chest, back and legs are all sore from day one but should be ready for round two tomorrow. My biceps, triceps and shoulders feel great after tonight but its not called DOMS for nothing. We will see how I feel over all tomorrow.

Coming soon:
Monday I will provide progress photos and I will also provide Arnold's competition measurements and body fat percentage in comparison to where I stand on Monday. I am also going to provide his routine so you can have a means to compare. Get ready for the technicality of this blog to jump a little.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

      Week 1, Day 2

      Instead of lifting today I took the day to stretch out all the muscle groups worked yesterday, I will lift tomorrow and the day after before I take another break.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 1, Day 1

      So I exceeded personal expectations on the first day. Out of the 23 exercises that Arnold does I completed all but seven. During the first four weeks I am only doing 2 sets of each exercise until my body can acclimate to the stress.

The Focus of today's workouts:

Chest, Back, Legs, Forearms, Calves
All chest completed
All back completed
2 Leg workouts completed
No Forearms
1 Calves workout completed

Notes on today's workout:

1) I got a little light headed near the end due to improper breathing. Remember, inhale when gravity has control of the weight and exhale when you have control of the weight.

2) I sweat a lot more than any other workout I have done since I ran track in school. Drink more water...A LOT more water.

3) Consume more calories per day to meet the needs of the workout routine.

4) Instead of doing the same muscle groups every other day take a 3 day approach for the first two weeks then re-evaluate.

Baseline Photos. (these are pretty embarrassing for me but here they are. I can only grow from here)

      I remember as a small child looking up to Arnold Schwarzenegger, his perfect physique and incredible strength. I would be captivated by his screen presence in movies like Conan the Barbarian and would be absolutely enthralled in his intellectual strongman performances like the one in Twins. I always wanted to be like the characters he portrayed on the silver screen, the giant with a gentle heart or the brooding muscle man. 
      Today marks the beginning of a long journey. After some long thought and thorough analysis I have decided to strive to meet his physical stature and hopefully attain his perfect proportions. I have taken into account that I am only six feet tall and I have subtracted three percent from his measurements so that I can be a shorter version of Arnold. I am going to attempt this using his routine without his controversial supplementation. During this process I am going to provided weekly body transformation photos, log my caloric intake and provide notes on the effects to my body. This is going to be a fairly technical blog and from time to time may read as nothing more than a exercise/calorie tracker but keep in mind that this is nothing more than a map to a journey and a way to stay motivated when times get tough. 
      Here is to the Austrian Oak:
May you see the rising of another titan amongst men. May you hear the roar of a new challenger and may you be astonished at the achievements of a child at heart. A child that saw in you a hero of flesh and blood. And though currently I am no titan I place myself humbly before your achievements and strive to be more than a man. 

My friends that read this please provide encouragement and feedback. I look to you to hold my mental fortitude because obviously at this point I have lost my mind.