Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ok been out for a while but now Im back! The new approach is to build muscular and cardio endurance for a month (maybe more) before attempting the Arnold Routine again. This is the new routine leading up to it.

Exercise Day 1 (Three 2 minute sets with 30-60 sec rest in between each exercise and 2 minutes between sets)
MTN Climbers                                                                                        
Jumping Jacks                                                                                         
Jump Rope                                                                                              
Exercise Day 2   (Three 30 second sets with 30 second rest in between each exercise and 2 minutes between sets)
L-Leg Raise                                                                                              
Flutter Kicks                                                                                            
Side Bridge (L)                                                                                        
Side Bridge (R)                                                                                        
Super Man                                                                                              

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Take 2- Week 1

     I apologize for the long delay in the blog but life would not allow continuation. Lifting in a bodybuilding fashion comes with its trials and tribulations, there is family to consider, money to be made, and loved ones to mourn. I do not recommend attempting anything like this until your life is at a stable point or at least a manageable point. It is extremely hard to find motivation during troubling times.
       After a few weeks away from the gym I have finally returned to chasing my dream. I modified Arnold's plan slightly. In his routine there were a couple muscle groups that only had 1-2 exercises singling then out so I decided to add a few more exercises to the routine. I added; Elevated Machine Row (for Lats), Full Range of Motion Lat Pull-down, Reverse Shrugs, Behind the Back Forearm Curls, and I started doing a dead-lift/shrug super set. In addition to adding exercises I am now doing 4-5 sets per exercise depending on the signals my body is giving me. I will give updated progress pictures on Sunday FEB 24 along with updated measurements, weight and body fat percentage. 

      My body Fat was 22% at 217 lbs 2 weeks ago.

More to come...


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 4, Day 4

      After almost a week long hiatus due to minor injury I am back in the gym and it felt great to be back. I took progress pictures for everyone, not much changed I guess that is what happens when you are out of the gym for the week with holiday food about. But I did some soul searching, if you will, and decided that I was pushing my self to fast. In order to mend myself and prevent serious injury I am going back to the plan at week one. I am only going to do two sets of each workout for the next three weeks until I can adjust my body to a heavy work load. At the beginning of week four I will do 3 sets for two weeks, week six 4 sets and so on until I reach the same workload of Arnold. I understand its going to take longer than I would like but I would like to be arriving at my goal months from now rather than never being able to achieve my goal do to serious injury. The pain in my shoulder and my knees was just the wake up call I needed. SLOW DOWN!

Progress Pictures:

      As you can see a week off with poor eating habits does nothing for progress. So going from here forward I will monitor my calories consumption and I am going to be a lot more picky about what I am eating.

The Workout:
Progress Chart Barbell Curl90Set 1: 60.0x15
Set 2: 70.0x6
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Seated Dumbell Curl28Set 1: 15.0x15
Set 2: 20.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0


Progress Chart Dumbbell Concentration Curls21Set 1: 10.0x15
Set 2: 15.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Barbell Close Grip Bench Press125.99Set 1: 75.0x15
Set 2: 90.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Triceps Pushdown V-Bar112Set 1: 70.0x15
Set 2: 80.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart EZ Bar Decline Close Grip Skull Crusher84Set 1: 55.0x15
Set 2: 60.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Dumbbell Standing One Arm Triceps Extension28Set 1: 15.0x15
Set 2: 20.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Barbell Shoulder Press112Set 1: 60.0x15
Set 2: 80.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Dumbbell Lateral Raise21Set 1: 10.0x15
Set 2: 15.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0
Set 6: 0x0

Progress Chart Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise112Set 1: 70.0x12
Set 2: 80.0x12
Set 3: 0x0
Set 4: 0x0
Set 5: 0x0

Calorie Consumption:

Notes On the Workout:
      1) There was some strain in my shoulder during some off the exercises until I dropped the weight. I need to drop the weight next time around.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Week 3, Day 5

      I tried lifting again after stretching and still had some trouble so I took today and day 3 and 4 to stretch I will hit it up tomorrow and feel it out again. I noticed today that I have improved range of motion with no pain so I am looking forward to tomorrow.

By Crom!

(Conan the Barbarian reference above)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 3, Day 1

      So, I know I neglected this blog during week 2 but I ran into some trouble. I got sick and could not workout a few days and I got a little discouraged but this is the beginning of a new week and renewed spirit. I will keep you posted on this weeks workout as I did the first week. 

Last Weeks music mix was The Counting Crows. This week is going to be Metallica.

Merry Christmas!

The Workout

      I was not able to complete today's workout. During the chest exercise there was a lot of pain in my left shoulder joint so I decided to stop the chest exercise and to avoid the back exercise to prevent further aggravation to the joint. Then during the leg extensions both knee joints hurt so I stopped the leg exercise. After looking at the pain I went through today I decided that tomorrow I will thoroughly stretch and then when I return to the gym on the 26th I will cut the weight on my legs by 50% and the weight on my shoulders by 75% to see if there is still pain. If there is I will stop lifting for a week and shift my focus to cardio. If not, I will continue at that weight for 1 week and increase by 5-10% every week following until I feel confident that I can lift the weight pain free. 

Notes on the Workout:
1) I did not have the strength to push the weight I was pushing because my muscles did not seem to have the energy to efficiently push the weight. I believe this is do to the fact that I had not eaten yet. I have to remember to eat within two hours of working out prior to going and within two hours after going. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 2, Day 4

      I took tonight off to give my body some rest.

Calorie Intake:
4 Slices of Veggie Pizza
1 Slice Bacon Pizza
Week 2, Day 3

      Tonight went fairly well. I increased sets and weight.

The focus of tonight's workout:

Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves, Forearms, Abs
Workout @ 2300
Barbell Curl:
Set 1- 45 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 55 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 60 lbs 8 reps

Seated Dumbbell Curl:
Set 1- 15 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 30 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 22.5 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 25 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Concentration Curls
Set 1- 15 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 20 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 25 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 30 lbs 7 reps

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press:
Set 1- 70 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 75 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 80 lbs 10 reps
Set 4- 85 lbs 10 reps

Triceps Push-down V-Bar:
Set 1- 120 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 130 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 140 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 150 lbs 8 reps

Skull Crushers:
Set 1- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 55 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 140 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 150 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension:
Set 1- 30 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 40 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 45 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 50 lbs 8 reps

Barbell Shoulder Press:
Set 1- 55 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 60 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 65 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 70 lbs 8 reps

Dumbbell Lateral Raise:
Set 1-10 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 15 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 22.5 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 22.5 lbs 8 reps

Rear Deltoids Machine:
Set 1- 60 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 70 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 80 lbs 7 reps
Set 4- 70 lbs 6 reps

Cable Rear Later Raise:
Set 1- 10 lbs 12 reps
Set 2- 15 lbs 10 reps
Set 3- 20 lbs 8 reps
Set 4- 25 lbs 8 reps

Standing Calf Raise:
Set 1- Body Weight 15 reps
Set 2- Body Weight 15 reps

Palms Up Wrist Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 3- 55 lbs 10 reps

Palms Down Wrist Curl:
Set 1- 30 lbs 15 reps
Set 2- 50 lbs 12 reps
Set 4- 55 lbs 10 reps


Hanging Pike:

Calorie Intake:
5 Krystals Sliders and a Large Chili-Cheese Fry.
2, 20oz Diet Dr. Pepper.
1, 16oz Dr. Pepper.
1 Protein Shake

I fell off the diet wagon today and will again tomorrow...I'm gonna have pizza for the first time in 4 weeks. I am pretty excited. Then it is back to the diet on Friday.