Thursday, February 14, 2013

Take 2- Week 1

     I apologize for the long delay in the blog but life would not allow continuation. Lifting in a bodybuilding fashion comes with its trials and tribulations, there is family to consider, money to be made, and loved ones to mourn. I do not recommend attempting anything like this until your life is at a stable point or at least a manageable point. It is extremely hard to find motivation during troubling times.
       After a few weeks away from the gym I have finally returned to chasing my dream. I modified Arnold's plan slightly. In his routine there were a couple muscle groups that only had 1-2 exercises singling then out so I decided to add a few more exercises to the routine. I added; Elevated Machine Row (for Lats), Full Range of Motion Lat Pull-down, Reverse Shrugs, Behind the Back Forearm Curls, and I started doing a dead-lift/shrug super set. In addition to adding exercises I am now doing 4-5 sets per exercise depending on the signals my body is giving me. I will give updated progress pictures on Sunday FEB 24 along with updated measurements, weight and body fat percentage. 

      My body Fat was 22% at 217 lbs 2 weeks ago.

More to come...